6 Jun 2009

Chuck&Rosy The Chicken (Y)

Evening Bloggers & Blogees! :D

Well I say evening, it's like 22:30 so that's a lie. So because it's the weekend I have no new exam news... but I know you're sick of that so instead I'll talk about something close to my heart ... TV!
I found a show called Chuck ... and I LOVE IT! I'd heard of it before but I'd never really watched it; now I'm hooked.
So it's basically about this guy whose had government secrets downloaded to his brain, so they hire him. Only he kinda sucks at being a secret agent, which makes it all the more humorous!
I've ordered Season 1 on DVD but Season 2 hasn't even been seen in England yet so I can't wait for Tuesday, the best thing is that Chuck plays when during Bones re-run seasons, which is perfect!
While I mourn over Bones I have Chuck to cheer me up!

Now CHICKENS! Okay, we got a new chicken today, her name is Rosy and she's the little brown chicken, she's so enquisitive not jumpy or anything she's a full on 'get in there' chicken! The little white chicken is Hetty, she was picked by my step-mum Jenny from a cage. She was the lowest in the pecking order, so when we first got her she was jumpy and would cry forever; she's gt a lot better.
We have another chicken called Bibby, I couldn't get a picture of her 'cause she's sitting on eggs, she's really broody!!
Tomorrow we're getting a new chicken called Sassy, apparently she's an orangey colour. I'll get a picture of her when I can!
We now have a total of four chickens. Here's a run down of our chickens so far:
we've got three now, one coming, two dead, two cockerel's (we had to give those back) ... so that's a grand total of 8 chickens. Cool.


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