18 Aug 2009

Soo cool thing happened today ...

Nahh ... (:

Fooled you. Nothing interesting happened today ... but you thought for one tiny moment there was excitement in my life, right? I see, you weren't fooled ... darn it! (: Oh well. Good things are happening in the world of Bones, Chuck & The Big Bang Theory (which is another show I've gotten into).

Firstly Bones ... There are three promos for all new Bones at the moment. Also I have casting sides for season 5 episode 5, click below. (:

Pretty cool huh? I've seen some comments over it and it appears that people are in an uproar about it ... tbh, even I see what's going on! I don't understand why everyone's making a big deal over it!!!

Secondly Chuck ... alright so nothing huge, but still have 13 episodes next season. Filming went underway on August 6th. Can't wait!

Now for The Big Bang Theory - it was renewed for two more seasons (like Bones) & filming is now well underway! I've started downloading Season 1 to my iPod Touch ... :D yayayay!

Oh! And I got my nose pierced! It hurt like a bitch, and the crying ... it's so annoying. I mean your eyes just water!!! But the most painful part was when she put in the stud, that was soo painful, I had to breath heavily. Luckily, all is well & now I have a cute pink jeweled stud in my nose (: - I love it, well worth £20.00 at urban piercings!

Listening to:Foreign Born- Into Your Dream


1 Aug 2009

Ooh Dear&Yay!


Well bloggers I think an 'Oops' is in order. I did forget about you ... yeah, well only for a few weeks. But it does mean I have absolutely loads to tell you guys, so I suppose it'll be one massive update. Fun, huh? :)

Harry Potter was awesome ... NO, better than awesome (if that's possible). It was the greatest film ever & I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. We did have some problem with people talking throughout the movie, in fact it happened both times I went to see it. I heard that some lady got bleach poured all over her for telling some kids to be quiet during the movie. I yelled shut up at some boys, that's kind of worrying. Yet they were only around seven; shouldn't have been let into the cinema without a parent. It sickens me, god Britain is a dump!

Well for all you Chuck fans, it was renewed for season 3 (yeah, we knew it was renewed ages ago but I figured we needed it on
my blog in writing) - it makes me sooo happy, because it's just a brilliant show that just cannot be cancelled ... so if you haven't already given it a look in - it's on:

Virgin1 - 9pm - Tuesdays
The Chuck panel were at Comic Con, and trust me I am so sad that I didn't get to go and see them ... but I will next year! I mean I
have to go, I will scrimp & save to go because not only were the actors & actresses of Chuck at Comic Con but also ... THERE WAS A BONES PANEL! Okay, granted it was only Emily Deschanel & Hart Hanson, but still next year (fingers crossed), David Boreanaz will be there and so will the 'squint squad'.

I started work on Monday for the week, being an Assistant Sports Coach for kids aged 5-11. They were so cute, it was tennis coaching so I was expecting a lot of racket related injuries ... surprisingly there were none. Kids are quite good at controlling rackets, even if they can't stay upright while running :D it does give me a little giggle though! Yay - money soon!

So as a treat, I'm gonna post this Chuck Comic Con YouTube video. They're awesome.

Listening to:Cascada-Evacuate The Dancefloor
