18 Aug 2009

Soo cool thing happened today ...

Nahh ... (:

Fooled you. Nothing interesting happened today ... but you thought for one tiny moment there was excitement in my life, right? I see, you weren't fooled ... darn it! (: Oh well. Good things are happening in the world of Bones, Chuck & The Big Bang Theory (which is another show I've gotten into).

Firstly Bones ... There are three promos for all new Bones at the moment. Also I have casting sides for season 5 episode 5, click below. (:

Pretty cool huh? I've seen some comments over it and it appears that people are in an uproar about it ... tbh, even I see what's going on! I don't understand why everyone's making a big deal over it!!!

Secondly Chuck ... alright so nothing huge, but still have 13 episodes next season. Filming went underway on August 6th. Can't wait!

Now for The Big Bang Theory - it was renewed for two more seasons (like Bones) & filming is now well underway! I've started downloading Season 1 to my iPod Touch ... :D yayayay!

Oh! And I got my nose pierced! It hurt like a bitch, and the crying ... it's so annoying. I mean your eyes just water!!! But the most painful part was when she put in the stud, that was soo painful, I had to breath heavily. Luckily, all is well & now I have a cute pink jeweled stud in my nose (: - I love it, well worth £20.00 at urban piercings!

Listening to:Foreign Born- Into Your Dream


1 Aug 2009

Ooh Dear&Yay!


Well bloggers I think an 'Oops' is in order. I did forget about you ... yeah, well only for a few weeks. But it does mean I have absolutely loads to tell you guys, so I suppose it'll be one massive update. Fun, huh? :)

Harry Potter was awesome ... NO, better than awesome (if that's possible). It was the greatest film ever & I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. We did have some problem with people talking throughout the movie, in fact it happened both times I went to see it. I heard that some lady got bleach poured all over her for telling some kids to be quiet during the movie. I yelled shut up at some boys, that's kind of worrying. Yet they were only around seven; shouldn't have been let into the cinema without a parent. It sickens me, god Britain is a dump!

Well for all you Chuck fans, it was renewed for season 3 (yeah, we knew it was renewed ages ago but I figured we needed it on
my blog in writing) - it makes me sooo happy, because it's just a brilliant show that just cannot be cancelled ... so if you haven't already given it a look in - it's on:

Virgin1 - 9pm - Tuesdays
The Chuck panel were at Comic Con, and trust me I am so sad that I didn't get to go and see them ... but I will next year! I mean I
have to go, I will scrimp & save to go because not only were the actors & actresses of Chuck at Comic Con but also ... THERE WAS A BONES PANEL! Okay, granted it was only Emily Deschanel & Hart Hanson, but still next year (fingers crossed), David Boreanaz will be there and so will the 'squint squad'.

I started work on Monday for the week, being an Assistant Sports Coach for kids aged 5-11. They were so cute, it was tennis coaching so I was expecting a lot of racket related injuries ... surprisingly there were none. Kids are quite good at controlling rackets, even if they can't stay upright while running :D it does give me a little giggle though! Yay - money soon!

So as a treat, I'm gonna post this Chuck Comic Con YouTube video. They're awesome.

Listening to:Cascada-Evacuate The Dancefloor


9 Jul 2009

Harry Potter&The Half-Blood Prince


So this is just a list of things I want you guys to know about.

Harry Potter - 15th July (WOO)
Friendly Fires - 15th July (SCORE)

However this week also marks the passing of a much loved guy. Patrick 'Paddy' Higgins died on the 6th July - he will be missed by many. RIP Paddy.

Listening to:Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana


4 Jul 2009

Hmmm Okaayyy ...

I'm baaacckkk ...

Not that I've been anywhere, but I suppose that sometimes you forget about things like this. And yes, it does seem to happen to me a lot and yes, I am worried :)

So I haven't said anything about Prom ... 'twas alright, that's all I'm gonna say! That's me & Bhavvy in the first picture! :) Yeah, I know aren't we a hot couple! We would have sexy children!
Enough about Prom ... it depresses me!

NOW FOR TWITTER ... A few days ago I sent a twitter reply to Hart Hanson - creator of Bones, I love this guy he basically showed me the career path I want to follow; so anyway I got a reply! (That's the second picture
!) I was sooo ecstatic when I got it, I feel so so so so privileged. This is my only favourited twitter (no matter what TwitterFon says, No I don't want to favourite johncmayer so WHY IS HE THERE?)

And finally Brighton, the end of school trip. The last school trip with some of my closest friends. The floating heads picture is me & Lydia. Aren't we soo buff! I mean look at us we are amazing! Completely nuts, but amazing. That's why I love us! :) I'm gonna miss her, boooo for not going to Holt (actually well done for leaving - but I'm not giving up an extra 40 quid a month for anything).

Oh and I can't believe Andy Murray ... we were so close! No point in watching Wimbledon anymore - I mean it's hosted in England (obviously) yet we haven't had an English person in the final since 1938. That is a

Listening to:Soulja Boy Tell 'Em - Kiss Me Thru The Phone



26 Jun 2009



This week has been such a shocker. What a week for Hollywood right?
This'll be short because I'm getting ready for prom ...

RIP Michael Jackson
RIP Farrah Fawcett

Condolences to the families.

Peace& Love

24 Jun 2009


Well ...

Have you ever felt so happy about something you actually forget that something bad is coming ... I supposed you could say the end of GCSEs is a bit like that. I mean great, I'm free. It's over. But there are people that are moving on; although it's selfish to say it, I don't want them to. I want them to stay exactly where we are, because if they do things won't change and we can continue being friends. I told you, selfish. Deep down I know I've got to let go, there will be new friends; new pictures; new wacky quotes; new catchphrases; new sexy dances ... so why do we keep hold of the old when there is always something new - I mean I throw away an iPod every year for a new one - but this time, we can't be completely certain new will definitely be better; you have to remind yourself over and over again ...

"Move on, nobody cares"


23 Jun 2009

Jobs, Money&Macbooks *♥*

Alllrrriighht :P

So today I was thinking that I may have to treat myself to a laptop when I start my job ... but not just any laptop, one that shows my class, money and intellect - a dodgy second hand one? no. I'm going for the Macbook ... yepp, I know you gasped in horror; how can she afford one? Well;

£8.23 an hour +
20 hours a week = macbook in no time

Or failing that I'd just get a Dell; if you guys are nice you'd root for the Macbook. I know I am! I wanted the Macbook Pro, but like I could afford that with all the add-ons I want. No, how you say - impossible ... unless I sold my body ;) I'm thinking not.
Just found out the price, £822, can you say ouch? Oh well, it's that and a TV I want ... however I also want a car. Guess I'll have to find a cheapo one, because studies (and you internet people) come first ... plus I won't have to pay monthly for the Macbook!

I have one more exam left, and that's Science ... I had module ten today; it was hellish. Have you ever been in a situation where you look at
paper and panicked because you don't know anything? Well it was like this today, luckily I took a breath and calm down; realised I did know it after all and cracked on! :) The Power Of Oxygen!

Listening to: Lady GaGa - Paparazzi


22 Jun 2009


Political Issues&A Birthday :L

Good'ay all .x

So I have become one of those people who is very interested in politics for all the wrong reasons ... there are just so many reasons for being completely embarrassed by our government. One of them is we've allowed ourselves to become so wound up about the MP expenses that we have voted for the BNP and allowed them to gain seats. Now I'm not saying that I'm not angry that the tax I pay is going on somebodies iPod or 'broken' camera ... but I will be so much more angry if my Grandma is forced to leave England. The BNP are racist, homophobic; no doubt sexist, yet our clouded judgement has let them in.
As for the MP expenses, if I ever get the chance, I will go to court and ask that everybody who pays tax (excluding people on unworking benefits, young children, non working adults, gypsies etc.) gets an iPod and a Camera funded by the MPs themselves ... I know harsh, but that's minimal compared to what they got out of us!!! Somebody should make a petition ... maybe I will, then I'll post it on here! :)

On a happier, less angry note ... it's my Mum's 39th tomorrow and I'm not sure whether she's happy about it or not but she's not in a bad mood so I am thankful!
We got her an iPod Nano Chromatic and a Pink [Breast Cancer] Filofax but shhhh don't tell her :D

BTW, it's still acceptable to say 'Swine Flu' after someones sneezed ...

Listening to: What A Catch, Donnie - Fall Out Boy (Awesome Cameos in this)




21 Jun 2009

Blip.fm & Twitter

Happy Fathers Day! :)

So I discovered Blip! :) which is an awesome website which lets you DJ your own station! I have it linked to my twitter, so whenever I play a new song it twitters it ... remember to follow me!

This was a very short blog ... sorry it took so long, but I've been revising for maths! :D

Peace& Love

16 Jun 2009

Isle Of Wight Festival

Morning Bloggers! :)

So an important subject today ... THE ISLE OF WIGHT FESTIVAL!! So I wasn't there, but I sure wish I was ... my Dad went though (I know, it's sad
that he has more of a life than I do!)
I'd been past the field where it is held, and I saw it being set-up and everything! I just count my lucky stars I live near it, because next year I'm gonna want to camp, but also I may want to go home and shower properly or use a decent toilet!! :D

Tickets usually go on sale at the end of the year, before the line-up is announced, so if you wanna come with start saving; it's £145 camping ... (meg I'm looking at you!)

I'm going to enter all the win VIP ticket competitions, b
ecause my Dad has won twice in a row! Here's hoping right ... I might have to get my Dad to claim them (the whole under 18 thing pops up again) - but I actually think he wants me to go, so YAY!!
Only a short blog today (I know you're all thinking "Thank God") :P

Listening to: Enter Shikari - Juggernauts


14 Jun 2009

BNP need castrating & ten other pointless thoughts ...

... okay so as of tomorrow normal blogging will continue however, till then, here is an interestingly weird list of my thoughts ...

  1. The BNP need to be castrated and then locked in a room with a load of mixed race and asian people.
  2. When parents claim they know everything, get on the internet and spurt strange but interesting facts at them.
  3. The thought of England is enough to make anyone pass out.
  4. I need to do the Davina video, otherwise I may get flabby and fat in one day!
  5. Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck - isn't Zachary Levi the cutest?
  6. Why are chocolate bars, chocolate bars, when they are usually chocolate covered bars?!
  7. mmm, sushi ...
  8. If the world ate Sushi, we'd all be healthy ... and the fish would run out faster.
  9. If I don't facebook fast, I'm gonna look like an idiot!
  10. Everyone should twitter, it's the perfect stalker website! :D

11 Jun 2009

To My Fellow Geography Crew ... A Special Thank You

Thanks guys for making Geography more bearable.

Alice - I'm not sure how we became friends ... but trust me I probably would have had to listen without you, for that I'll be eternally grateful.
Charlie - It's gotta be your laugh. You make the classroom a funnier place, especially when you rip the shit out of Mazza. Who knew that we'd still be friends 11 years on! I have to count my lucky stars I got into Hawthorns!
Emily - For laughing when it's inappropriate, and going along with the stupidest things. And for the record I'm cool with you about the Conor Giles thing. :)
Gaby - Because actually you're not that much of a geek, but we needed someone in our little group who had brains enough for all ... that was you!
Meg - Coz lets face it, you&me are complete nutters, and I'm sad it took me 5 whole years to meet you properly. I promise when I go to the IoW fest next year, you can come with me!
Jo - I've known you since Hawthorns, and I never thought you'd be a rebel, I thought you'd turn out one of those smart-arse people. I'm glad your just naturally smart, and care little about work. It makes you great ... it's been fun knowing these 11 years bub. :D

To those who are moving, I'm gonna miss you ... especially those who I've known for a long time. Trust me my life is not going to be the same without you.

Geography Crew FTW!


10 Jun 2009

Losing Weight&Prom ♥

Good Morning .. x

It's so early, but it seems these days I can't get up when I have exams, but get up when I don't have them. How annoying. Just means I can't have a lie-in. :(

So I'm trying to lose weight for prom, and I have three weeks ... so extreme dieting and exercising for me! Or ... just ... the Davina video and cutting down on my food intake! I could always just eat Sushi, which is my new favourite food; low in fat, high in flavour!!! I think I'd make a good Japanese person, anyone agree? Although Sushi has raw fish in it, there's something called Sashimi which is just raw fish served with a dipping sauce ... gross.

Now, I'm doing all this to lose weight for prom, and I know it might seem superficial, but I've always been the short chubby kid ... and this hasn't changed. At all. I just want this night to be different, and although it probably won't be, I can at least try. Hey! It's not like I'm having surgery though! (I can't afford that! :D)


8 Jun 2009

Sunshine the Camper ~ *

Good Morning! :)

My Dad sent me pictures of his camper van yesterday, so I decided I'd uploaded the pics for you to see:

The top picture is the front after it's all been finished.

The middle picture is in post production.
And the bottom picture is the interior.

Short thoughts today. Geography & Business tomorrow ... wish me luck.


6 Jun 2009

Chuck&Rosy The Chicken (Y)

Evening Bloggers & Blogees! :D

Well I say evening, it's like 22:30 so that's a lie. So because it's the weekend I have no new exam news... but I know you're sick of that so instead I'll talk about something close to my heart ... TV!
I found a show called Chuck ... and I LOVE IT! I'd heard of it before but I'd never really watched it; now I'm hooked.
So it's basically about this guy whose had government secrets downloaded to his brain, so they hire him. Only he kinda sucks at being a secret agent, which makes it all the more humorous!
I've ordered Season 1 on DVD but Season 2 hasn't even been seen in England yet so I can't wait for Tuesday, the best thing is that Chuck plays when during Bones re-run seasons, which is perfect!
While I mourn over Bones I have Chuck to cheer me up!

Now CHICKENS! Okay, we got a new chicken today, her name is Rosy and she's the little brown chicken, she's so enquisitive not jumpy or anything she's a full on 'get in there' chicken! The little white chicken is Hetty, she was picked by my step-mum Jenny from a cage. She was the lowest in the pecking order, so when we first got her she was jumpy and would cry forever; she's gt a lot better.
We have another chicken called Bibby, I couldn't get a picture of her 'cause she's sitting on eggs, she's really broody!!
Tomorrow we're getting a new chicken called Sassy, apparently she's an orangey colour. I'll get a picture of her when I can!
We now have a total of four chickens. Here's a run down of our chickens so far:
we've got three now, one coming, two dead, two cockerel's (we had to give those back) ... so that's a grand total of 8 chickens. Cool.


4 Jun 2009

English Is Over ... (R)

Score one for us GCSE lot :O ... :D!!!

It feels like a weight has been lifted ... and I want it to stay that way. I've never gone this long without feeling nausea; even as I discuss this I start to get that familiar (i'm gonna hurl) feeling. Yes, apparently I cannot, not feel nauseous ... sad times :(
On a more positive note ... tomorrow I have an exam that I have no need to revise for because they put in me in the foundation group (which I have been passing - well as much as possible in a foundation class) so I haven't had to work these past two years ... I mean please, when I sit in the back of the class not talking and getting full marks, it's generally a sign I could do better!
Mrs Terry really pisses me off ...

I want to take this time to discuss Bones! Especially Season 5 Bones ... yes, I do mean SPOILERS!! So Booth believes his dream, he thinks he and Brennan had sex :O oh the horror and the comedy ... I will mostly be looking forward to the reaction to that talk. :) Can you say 'awkward'?

Glad English is over, glad that next week I only have to go in for one day ... glad that on the 1st July I start work ... if I were religious, I'd be thanking some pretty awesome God right now! Bbuu
tt I'm not, and so I'll have to settle for thanking my friends for making me who I am, and having NO FAITH IN ME! THANKS GUYS >:( ... just kidding <3


3 Jun 2009


Afternoon :)

I'm actually writing this in school today ... I'm in for 4th and 5th period at least. I feel like I should go to Maths, but I'm going tomorrow and I feel like I should go to English but it's study leave and I'm stressed enough without her.

I have English and Science exams tomorrow, I'm sooo worried about them. They're both writing exams, and I know that I suck when it comes to writing enough for English ... but I can't cock up.

I'm in the Library, so you should think of me, I should be revising; I have to keep hiding the page when she's walking behind me. Nosy cow, I absolutely hate the new librarian except for the fact she lets us use our iPods. Score :)

So I started a new book today, 'Wuthering Heights' and it took a while but it's finally getting good. It's hard to read, but I like a challenge ... it's not nearly as hard as 'Great Expectations'.

My favourite book is still 'To Kill a Mockingbird', I hope to read it again after the exams are over.

So I'm outta here. :D


2 Jun 2009

New Moon

I found this and I just had to share it with you! Watch out for:
  • Ashley Greene's hair (not a wig anymore)
  • Nikki Reed's hair (now a wig ... i think)
  • Taylor Lautner (Topless ... possibly the only reason to watch this video if you don't like twilight. But that's not true now, is it?)

Taking the Government&The MTV Movie Awards .. x

G'day all :)

It's gotta be the sun that's making me feel really good ... i love it! It's amazing, and it's all hot and lovely and 27
° and all :) I have obviously not been away enough, I need more rays :D
So I apologise for not writing anything yesterday, I had my Maths exam. It was okay, wasn't brilliant but afterwards I was revising really hard for English, which I had this morning.

English in the morning doesn't make you feel good, it makes you feel panicky and horrible, which I did; I got in there I did it and I (hopefully!) wrote enough. 4 pages for section A and 3 pages for section B. Mrs Allison should be proud because usually I can only right one side for English. I had a hand cramp the whole way through the exam, but if I got a decent mark it'll be totally worth it ... otherwise I'm suing the Government for lack of motor skills :L (I could probably take them on you know)

I also had Geography you know. And it was on the Isle of Wight ... I practically live there! How awesome, it's like cheating but not. :D I think I might go to Newport this week and gloat about how well I did. I bet the people who live on the isle of wight did better ... anywho onto The MTV Awards.

Pissed myself laughing, seriously whenever Twilight was nominated they won ... an unstoppable force. And that New Moon trailer, wwwoooww isn't Taylor Lautner georgous, seriously good move putting him in the movie topless, they should have it so he never walks around in a shirt. :)
Jim Carey's speech was jokes with his
"there wouldn't be a swine flu if we treated the pigs better," - lol. I loved it ...
Go Kristen Stewart for wearing converses with her dress instead of 5 inch heels, but did you see the height difference between her and Ashley Greene when they won the Best Movie award. I think she doesn't cope well with crowds, oh well. If you haven't seen it, you've got to because the highlight of that Awards show was Sacha Baron Cohen crash landing on Eminem and - him failing to see the funny side of it - storming out of the ceremony. Laughs all round then? Jeez you'd think he would have a sense of humour, eh?


31 May 2009

Sunny Sunny England&Diversity ~ x

Afternoon bloggers :)

It's soo sunny right now, and I just had lunch! An attempted barbecue by my mum ... till she gave up and cooked it in the oven. Yeah, okay, so at least she tried I supposed. Maybe next time she'll get further than lighting it, I think the fire scared her a little!
Apart from that we had a delicious lunch out in the Garden, something we don't often get to do England, especially in Summer.
I haven't done any revision today, I'm gonna do it in the evening today, make sure it all sinks in for tomorrow! And I'm not going to panic, because panicking helps no one :L

So BGT ey? Wowee, I voted for Diversity because I'm that cool and can sense talent ... yeah right, I just loved their dance routine, that was just amazing! Esspecially the buzzers, I'm annoyed that was the Final, we've got to wait a whole year before we get to see what other kooks Britian is able to dredge up! :D Gotta love it.


30 May 2009


Gooooddd Morning :D

I am in such a good mood today, it could be that England is sunny for two days in a row :O. Happy smiles all round, I can promise you that will change once I get revising because revising Maths, to me, is hell on earth. Now I know I should do it, but as soon as I get started I can't remember anything (probably not a good thing seeing as I have a terminal paper on monday!!). So my school love promoting good education and all that (I know, shocking for England) so here is the revision site of the day :)


Don't panic if you don't have a school login, just use the samples they're enough to help you with certain areas. If you have a school login but you can't remember your own, then just do the worksheets without putting in your user&password! So good luck GCSE students for revising today!

Now onto the really good stuff. BGT!! Oh wow, don't you just love live TV? Poor Holly though, I think it all got to her ... and Simon! Aww, I think that was soo sweet what he did for her, giving her another chance; Dec's face when he did that though ... he called commercial and I bet Simon got a berating for it! Now the two acts that went through were the ones that I wanted to go through: Holly & Aiden. Problem is now I don't know who I want to win! Not Susan Boyle, I'm over her and her fake modesty (anyone here about her four letter word rant at the TV over Piers' comments, I mean come on he's not yours sweet heart :L).

I really hope Holly does well in the finals though, she won't get a second shot at it! Hope they all do well really!


29 May 2009

Geography Revision&Bones Finale ... ;)

Morning all,

It's friday so it's a trakkies day today. I feel like doing some exercise ... then eating McDonalds :D however instead I'm doing the next best thing; GEOGRAPHY REVISION! I found this awesome website and I've printed myself off some revision cards. Here's the hyperlink:

Geography Revision

I'm learning about Tectonics which (I hope you geography students already know this) is plates; volcanoes; earthquakes; Mountains etc, I am sure I wasn't listening when Mazza was discussing that with us ... so what better way of learning than teaching myself! :)
As this is a new blog I think I may start posting Revision sites daily (not just geography ones but other subjects too!), that way all you GCSE students can benefit like I am!!

OH! And did anyone watch the Bones Finale? I cried at the end! What an episode, although I feel somewhat cheated, HH [Hart Hanson] promised it wasn't going to be a dream episode, but it was! Oh well, at least we die-hard fans definitely know how Booth feels; lets admit it we knew, but we wanted to be shown ;)
