30 May 2009


Gooooddd Morning :D

I am in such a good mood today, it could be that England is sunny for two days in a row :O. Happy smiles all round, I can promise you that will change once I get revising because revising Maths, to me, is hell on earth. Now I know I should do it, but as soon as I get started I can't remember anything (probably not a good thing seeing as I have a terminal paper on monday!!). So my school love promoting good education and all that (I know, shocking for England) so here is the revision site of the day :)


Don't panic if you don't have a school login, just use the samples they're enough to help you with certain areas. If you have a school login but you can't remember your own, then just do the worksheets without putting in your user&password! So good luck GCSE students for revising today!

Now onto the really good stuff. BGT!! Oh wow, don't you just love live TV? Poor Holly though, I think it all got to her ... and Simon! Aww, I think that was soo sweet what he did for her, giving her another chance; Dec's face when he did that though ... he called commercial and I bet Simon got a berating for it! Now the two acts that went through were the ones that I wanted to go through: Holly & Aiden. Problem is now I don't know who I want to win! Not Susan Boyle, I'm over her and her fake modesty (anyone here about her four letter word rant at the TV over Piers' comments, I mean come on he's not yours sweet heart :L).

I really hope Holly does well in the finals though, she won't get a second shot at it! Hope they all do well really!
